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Dr Dilip Dhupelia - Chair


Dr Dilip Dhupelia - Chair

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Qualifications: LRCPS (Ire.), Dip. Obst. ACOG, FRACGP, FARGP, AFRACMA, FAICD

Experience: Director, Medical and Clinical Services, Queensland Country Practice, Queensland Rural Medical Service, Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service; Director, Brisbane South PHN Board; Chair, Impartiality Committee, Quality Innovation Performance Limited; Management Committee Member, Brisbane Local Medical Association; Part-time general practitioner, Smartclinics Family Medical Centre, Toowong and UQ Health; AMA Queensland President 2018/19/20, AMA Queensland Board Director 2014-2019, AMA Queensland Councillor 2013-2019, AMA Council of General Practice member (current).

Why I support the AMA Queensland Foundation: “Having dedicated many years at various levels within the Australian Medical Association assisting and advocating for the medical profession, including being Immediate Past President of AMA Queensland, I now have the time and energy to dedicate to the wonderful work that AMAQ Foundation does. The Foundation provides a mechanism to help those in need, from medical students to the homeless, from disaster victims to those who are ill or have special requirements that can enhance their lives if assisted by us. I am attracted to the fact that collectively, not only can we be grateful for being in our wonderful profession and attending to those in need of health care, but also the fact that the Foundation allows us to help others who have less than we do.”