Meet Preston Cardelli
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Meet Preston Cardelli: medical student, loving son, and proud recipient of an AMA Queensland Foundation medical bursary.
As part of his Community Health Rotation Preston helped at Urandangi State School, which has less than 50 students and Queensland’s worst attendance rate at only 56.2%.
Growing up in the small farming town of Mutchilba, money was an ever present worry for the Cardelli family but, as Preston says, receiving the Medical Bursary has allowed them “a breath of fresh air.” The bursary has enabled Preston to buy text books, attend college, and participate in rural rotations in Cairns and Mt Isa. These rotations have only increased Preston’s passion for country living and health care, and allowed him to help out in remote communities like Urandangi, which battles issues like glue-sniffing and poor school attendance every day.
Preston pictured above with Tony, one of the Indigenous health care workers that travels to Urandangi . The health care workers have many challenges including dealing with alcohol related issues and even petrol sniffing.
The AMA Queensland Foundation medical bursary program is about nurturing a new generation of rural doctors and part of a greater ideal to change rural healthcare and workforce shortages for the better.
By donating today, you can make a real difference, right now. It is only through donations that these bursaries can continue. So donate today through any of the following methods:
By phone: (07) 38712 2204
By mail: Download & print donation form
P.s. All donations over $2 are tax deductible, don't forget to donate before June 30th!