Dr Phillip Adams - 2016 graduate
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A three week placement in the emergency department in Cairns Hospital gave Phllip an interest in emergency medicine.
He was very interested in the range of ailments seen in the ED. Memorable cases included multi system traumas and skinny-dipping complicated by an irukandji sting.
In 2014 Phillip become more interested in emergency medicine as an area to possibly specialise in. He is also aware that he has barely scratched the surface of clinical experiences available to him in different areas and would rather have a few years of residency to experience as many fields as possible. He was inspired by an aero-medical retrieval team that he met while on rural placement and was interested in their experiences.
Phillip is still interested in practicing in regional areas and would enjoy rotations in remote parts of Australia. He enjoyed seeing indigenous culture applied in everyday life during his time at Yarrabah.